Monday, May 9, 2011

How funny does the "1 or 2 full days" comment sound now?

It seems like only yesterday that Sony representatives said the Playstation network outage may last a full day or two.  The users were outraged.  One or Two full days with no PSN??  Almost 3 weeks later & a few dozen cloudy updates later, gamers are still out of luck.  I personally went from it's kind of weird that the network would be down or doing maintenance on a busy weekend.  To, man this sucks, hopefully this thing gets fixed soon.  Had the run emotions ended at that, i'd call it a win.  However, that changed when sony announced 100 million people may have had personal information as well as credit card info stolen.  Another week of apologies & future promises made things a little better along with news that service would be restored sometime around mothers day weekend.  Oh wait, this just in.  Sony says network needs more testing, and the return time is again unknown.  I just read a cool article at that may clear things up.  At least until another Sony announcement re-clouds the picture.,2817,2385082,00.asp

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Playstation Network

2 weeks and counting!  I kind of had this feeling the first morning I realized the Playstation Network was down.  A major gaming server happens to crash & have a "major outage" on an extremely gamer friendly holiday weekend.  Something didn't smell right.  As the world asked questions, Sony slowly trickled out information.  Information that became more & more unsettling to the millions of online gamers.  Hey everyone this may be a full day or 2 was the initial response.  Really a FULL DAY OR TWO??  Did anyone at SOE really believe that what they were dealing with was a 24-48 hour fix??  A couple of days later, it turned into a full admission of "Yes we were Hacked"!  WoW, and in todays news, the sky is blue!  Uncharted 2 postponed its weekend lab for a week.  Little did they know that a week wasn't enough of a delay!  8-10 days after the network outage, Sony reveals to the world that 77 million accounts may have been compromised from the hack that took place April 17-19th?  Today is Cinco De Mayo!  Sunday is Mothers day!  And still no PSN...  I couldn't log into one of my email accounts today & had to change my password.  Normally I would just think I had a brain fart & typed my password incorrectly twice in a row.  Now I wonder if it is related to the Playstation breach.  As far as the 77 million number goes, it has now been estimated at over 100 million people have in some way been affected by the Sony breach.  I am not one to pass blame.  I will not act as though this kind of thing should never happen, because it likely will again.  I do believe the manner in which the information was released by Sony was inappropriate based on what we have learned.  The amount of time it took them to respond to its customers was lets just say slower than my 40 yard dash.  For now, i'll continue reading about lawsuits against Sony & look forward to my 30 day trial of Playstation Plus when the network is fixed.  I hope game makers such as Naughty Dog give its customers a welcome back gift of sorts as well.  Maybe a free map or skins pack?  An extended Lab with more than just hammers matches?  Maybe a 3 on 3 pistols only plunder?    Sony, just make sure the network runs smooth for the Uncharted 3 Beta!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Triple Cash & M-32 Hammer Lab is Postponed

It is official, the weekend Lab with Triple Cash will have to wait a week.  With a major outage striking the Playstation network yet again, NaughtyDog has postponed the triple cash weekend.  Barring any more set backs to the network, the Lab event will take place next weekend instead. You can read the official naughty dog thread by clicking this link.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Uncharted 2 : April 22-25th Lab

Everyone expecting to play the Lab tomorrow, may not get their wish.  A M-32 Hammer only Lab has been set to begin tomorrow, however, the playstation network is currently down "for maintenance"!  A down time of 1 or 2 days has been speculated, thus putting a damper on the holiday weekend plans for many gamers.  Hopefully, this isn't the work of hackers, but only time will tell.  I personally think the top (2) Labs are the 3 man pistol only plunders & the Sniper rifle & pistole matches.   Hammer & RPG only matches are better suited for the little kids & the adults who lack big boy joystick skills.  I hope all the Sony/Playstation server issues are cleared up before the June 28th, UC3 beta!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Uncharted 3 beta opens June 28th

The Multiplayer Beta for Uncharted 3 begins WORLDWIDE on June 28, 2011!  Playstation Plus members will get 1st cracks at the Uncharted 3 beta.  For those of you who are not Playstation Plus members, July 5th, 2011 will be the first day to try the Multiplayer Beta.  For up to date news & reviews of all games, check out !